Sunday, 15 April 2012

I am happy to reproduce here the latest news from DCS, read on, there's some great infor contained in here !!

Moving to Core-Based System
Later in 2012, The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics will transition the DCS series to a core-based system. What do we mean by a core-based system? This means that the main DCS engine that includes the GUI interface will serve as the core that content modules plug into it. Such content could include vehicles, maps, campaigns, etc. This will allow purchased DCS content to be accessed through a single DCS core hub.
Not only will this allow previous and future DCS aircraft to be fully integrated, but it will also allow 3rd party content to be easily integrated into the DCS series.

DCS: P-51D Mustang Status
The Mustang is coming along nicely and is currently flying around the DCS world. Most of the focus is now on tuning the flight dynamics with input from a real Mustang operator. Other work continues on the P-51D audio, a very detailed engine model, missions, and the damage model. We will also include several authentic skins with the release product.

Open Beta Testing for Patches Coming
To better promote community involvement and have a much larger testing base, future DCS product patches will be available in beta version prior to final release. We hope this move will allow all customer voices to be heard prior to releasing a new patch and flush out any missed problems during internal testing. The next two patches will be for A-10C and Black Shark 2.

"DCS: P-51D Mustang" Pre-Purchase
As we did with "DCS: A-10C Warthog", we will be offering P-51D as a pre-purchase. As a pre-purchase, customers will have access to beta versions of the product.

Paid For User Content Now Available from DCS Web Site
Now in the User Files section on the DCS page, you have the option to filter between All, Free, and Paid For files. The Paid For content allows a distribution channel for third party developers to sell their work.

Combined Arms and Flaming Cliffs 3 Update
Work also moved forward on these two products and we have some very interesting and fun new features in work for both products. More on those later.

The next DCS Jet
This DCS jet aircraft is still in its early stages and a lot can still change, even the aircraft itself. As such, we will not be announcing what aircraft this is until it is much further along.

To keep informed of latest developments, visit the forums at and

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